About Transpire Talent

Working with organisations to attract the best trans+ talent there is!

• Tailored Recruitment Services •  Inclusive Workplace Assessments • Ongoing Supports • 


“In 2017, I started London Trans Pride, an annual march for trans rights that attracts over 50,000 people annually and has been featured in international press such as BBC News, Guardian, The Times, Vogue, NBC News and more. Around this time, I also started a community hub for trans people called Transmissions, where I helped trans people gain access to healthcare, housing and their community.

Throughout my work as an trans rights advocate, I’d hear so many stories from trans people struggling with employment.

During this time, I also worked as a freelance consultant, and was invited to speak to different companies on making their workplaces safer and more inclusive. I quickly found that most companies were very eager to hire more trans people and were more than willing to put in the effort to ensure that potential trans employees would feel safe and valued.

So I asked myself, what barriers were preventing trans talent and companies from working together? If the two have the same goal, which is more trans people in employment, then what is it that is preventing that from happening?

A letter from CEO and Co-founder Lucia Blayke.

I began consulting with members of the trans community and found that it mostly came down to one thing - uncertainty. Trans people were not applying for jobs out of preconceived fears of discrimination.

That’s when myself and Mat Maddocks realised that we could provide that certainty and trust that trans applicants needed. We could start a trans-led recruitment agency that has a more personal and tailored approach than other agencies.

I thought back to my own negative experiences during job interviews and thought that if only I’d have had a trans-led agency to help me along the way, then things would have been a lot easier for me.

That’s when I knew that what we were doing is very important and is going to change a lot of lives for the better.”


Empowering trans folks to be the best versions of themselves

Personal, ongoing support that is tailored to your needs.

We support the employers and the applicants throughout the entire process.

Our warm and friendly attitude puts both parties at ease. You can ask us anything and it's ok if you don't get it right the first time. We are here to understand, help and offer our support and expertise.

The first step to 'Connect, Support, Empower.' is to 'Connect.' So head to our contact page and let's see how we can support you and make you feel empowered!

Let’s Connect


Mat Maddocks

he/they Co-Founder

Mat Maddocks is the vice chair of Mermaids, the UK’s leading charity that works with young transgender people.

Matt is also is a senior re/insurance market executive with over 20 years’ experience working in the London Market.

Lucia Blayke

she/her CEO & Founder

Lucia Blayke is a UK-based changemaker who advocates for the equality and inclusion of marginalized people.

In 2017, she founded London Trans Pride and led several community initiatives across the UK. She has since worked on several international fashion campaigns that celebrate diversity, with brands such as Dr.Martens, Benefit Cosmetics and Bed Head by Toni and Guy.

Blayke has also given lectures on community organizing at Oxford University and was featured as the leading expert of the trans equality movement in Channel 4’s “Freedom: 50 Years of Pride.”


At Transpire Talent, we're dedicated to connecting individuals who identify as trans, queer, LGBT+, or neurodiverse with inclusive companies. We take a personalized approach to recruitment, ensuring you're matched with workplaces that prioritize diversity and inclusion. From checking on gender-neutral facilities to offering interview coaching, we're your friendly guide throughout the entire job application journey.


Transpire Talent is your partner in fostering trans-inclusive workplaces and attracting talented trans professionals. We offer guidance and support throughout the application process, facilitating important conversations with sensitivity and expertise. By enhancing diversity in hiring, we not only empower individuals but also unlock the support of allies, contributing to a more inclusive society and workforce.

The first step to 'Connect, Support, Empower.' is to 'Connect.' So head to our contact page and let's see how we can support you and make you feel empowered!

Let’s Connect